• "Without philosophy we would be little above the animals."
  • "By nature men are alike. Through practice they have become far apart."
  • "What is important is not liberation from the body but liberation from the mind. We are not entangled in our own body, but entangled in our own mind."
  • "To know what you do not know is best. To pretend to know what you do not know is a disease."
  • "When the people don't respect those in power, then what they greatly fear is about to arrive."
  • "Great man demands it of himself; petty man, of others."
  • "Great man is always at ease; petty man is always on edge."
  • "When strict with oneself one rarely fails."
  • "Whether you like it or not, you'd better accept reality the way it occurs: as highly imperfect and filled with most fallible human beings. Your alternative, continual anxiety and desperate disappointment."
  • "When the government is muddled and confused, the people are genuine and sincere. When the government is discriminate and clear, the people are crafty and cunning."
  • "When you find something that is bad or that turns out bad, drop it and leave it alone."
  • "Only the most intelligent and the most stupid do not change."

Monday, April 20, 2009

ASHLEY'S BAPTISM-April 19, 2009

On Sunday, April 19th, 2009 my darling Ashley was baptized. Ashley has been so very excited to finally get baptized and confirmed a member of the church.

It couldn't have been a prettier day. The sun was out. The breeze warm. Family and friends gathered at the church to see and witness Ashley's decision. I have many mixed feelings about this. I feel that it came too quickly or that I just don't want her to be old enough. The time has rushed before my eyes-- without notice and now my THIRD child is baptized!

I want to tell you, Ashley, how happy I am for you. I am proud that you have chosen to follow Jesus' example and get baptized just like He did. I know your intentions are good. they always have been and I know that they always will be. I know that you love your family and that you have a deep desire to do what is right all the time. I know you think of others and treat them well. I love your sense of humor, but at the same time I can tell when you feel the spirit talking to you. Always follow those little promptings that you get and remember what it is like to have the Holy Ghost speak to you. I love you Ashley Nicolle to the moon and back. I will always remember this great day and I hope that you will do the same.

Love, mom

Here are a few pictures of you on your special day.