• "Without philosophy we would be little above the animals."
  • "By nature men are alike. Through practice they have become far apart."
  • "What is important is not liberation from the body but liberation from the mind. We are not entangled in our own body, but entangled in our own mind."
  • "To know what you do not know is best. To pretend to know what you do not know is a disease."
  • "When the people don't respect those in power, then what they greatly fear is about to arrive."
  • "Great man demands it of himself; petty man, of others."
  • "Great man is always at ease; petty man is always on edge."
  • "When strict with oneself one rarely fails."
  • "Whether you like it or not, you'd better accept reality the way it occurs: as highly imperfect and filled with most fallible human beings. Your alternative, continual anxiety and desperate disappointment."
  • "When the government is muddled and confused, the people are genuine and sincere. When the government is discriminate and clear, the people are crafty and cunning."
  • "When you find something that is bad or that turns out bad, drop it and leave it alone."
  • "Only the most intelligent and the most stupid do not change."

Friday, May 1, 2009


I am not sure.....I haven't any information on how dogs are affected when one of their pack loses it's life. I am assured with that gut feeling though that they, too, grieve in their own doggie way.

Daisy has become very "clingy", much more scared, extra cuddly, but her hunting instincts have taken over.

While MY grieving may have lasted a bit longer than hers....and maybe still exists in me, Daisy has blossomed into a mouse/gopher eating maniac. I think that she is trying to prove herself, maybe get that extra praise that she had to share with Tara when she was round.

Daisy LOVED Tara, always wanted to be near her, touching her, nipping at her legs and just outright annoying her. Well, as Daisy has moved on in her wondering where Tara really has gone, she has found a new love. Stalking, catching, torturing and eating gophers! Just a little protein right? I usually see her out in the field tossing a lifeless body into the air and I have to tell myself that it must be a ball or one of the kids' socks filled with sand, or something like that. NOT TODAY!

This is what my sweet dog brought right up to the front steps to devour. It is very disturbing, but those gophers have ruined our backyard, so Daisy is just earning her keep. Go Daisy! Just don't let me see.