• "Without philosophy we would be little above the animals."
  • "By nature men are alike. Through practice they have become far apart."
  • "What is important is not liberation from the body but liberation from the mind. We are not entangled in our own body, but entangled in our own mind."
  • "To know what you do not know is best. To pretend to know what you do not know is a disease."
  • "When the people don't respect those in power, then what they greatly fear is about to arrive."
  • "Great man demands it of himself; petty man, of others."
  • "Great man is always at ease; petty man is always on edge."
  • "When strict with oneself one rarely fails."
  • "Whether you like it or not, you'd better accept reality the way it occurs: as highly imperfect and filled with most fallible human beings. Your alternative, continual anxiety and desperate disappointment."
  • "When the government is muddled and confused, the people are genuine and sincere. When the government is discriminate and clear, the people are crafty and cunning."
  • "When you find something that is bad or that turns out bad, drop it and leave it alone."
  • "Only the most intelligent and the most stupid do not change."

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


                    NINE AND COUNTING

    She makes me smile in every way possible, that red-headed girl of mine. I get a bit choked up, as I think of all the butterfly kisses we'd exchange randomly. The many walks to the park hand-in-hand, looking for lady bugs on the way. The endless hours of bubble blowing, whenever the weather was nice out and sitting on her bed for reading time. The endless picnics It all just went by FAR too fast for my liking. So, I can't help but reminisce about this very day, nine years ago.

    I was in love the minute I saw my little Ashley bean. Everything about her was so very perfect. Her eyes, lips, fingers, toes and nose were all so sweet. Little did I know that they would all tie in with her sweet personality, that would blossom a little later in life. I remember feeling extra protective for my daughter and for her well-being. I'd stay up in the hospital late at night, to make sure that she was breathing, or just to stare at her perfect face and wonder what kind of communication between her and her Heavenly Father might still be going on. I am positive that the veil was thin.

    Thinking back now I long for that day and for those very emotions, and for all of those days that we would spend together doing mother/daughter things, but I am so thankful I have my daughter who is still that same small baby girl, but who has grown a bit, well grown a lot! Funny thing is, I still find myself checking on her at night just to make sure all is well and staring at her, wondering what is really inside of MY pretty little girl.
I love you so much Ashley(Smitty). Love, mom.